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Child Support 2023 : The Laws, Rules And Regulations Payroll Doesn’t Know Can Hurt You


To bring a national standard to child support withholding laws, the Federal government has enacted laws that require states to adopt certain rules when setting their own standards for implementing child support requirements. These requirements include deadlines for withholding and remitting payments, filing procedures, and penalties and fines for violations.

But the states are free to set up their own rules and regulations as long as they fall within those guidelines and many do differ from the minimum federal requirements. Payroll departments must know both the federal laws and the state laws and must determine which one applies to the child support withholding order.

In addition to these laws and regulations, the federal rules now require that a standard Income Withholding Order (IWO) be used for all child support withholding garnishments. This webinar will review this form and its requirements. And although the IWO can include all the information necessary to comply with the order, employers must familiarize themselves with both federal and state regulations to avoid penalties and liabilities. In addition, state law may address some issues the federal law is silent on such as allowing for the collection of administration fees and how to calculate child support withholding when the employee does not have enough money to cover all support orders in effect. But withholding monies for child support is not the only requirement that applies to providing for a child, medical support orders are required to be process by payroll as well. And these orders have their own rules and regulations on both the federal and state level. In addition, this webinar will give examples of calculating child support.


Areas Covered in the Webinar:

-How to define child support garnishments
-The federal requirements a payroll department must know for child support
-How state requirements affect child support
-Specific requirements for child support, including deduction limits, deadlines, filing procedures, administrative fees, and penalties/fines for violations
-How to handle terminated employees in regard to child support
-Best practices for communicating with employees and issuing parties
-Which garnishment to take when an employee has current support orders, medical support orders, and -arrearages
-Examples of how to calculate the withholding and prioritize the order of distribution when an employee has more than one type of garnishment
-Best practices for processing child support garnishments in the payroll department
-How to go paperless with child support by receiving electronic withholding orders and paying by EFT
-In-depth discussion of the latest OCSE withholding notice and medical support notice
-Processing medical support notices properly


Why Attend this Training:

This webinar focuses on child support garnishments and includes best practices for processing all garnishments but especially child support in a payroll department. The webinar includes the rules and regulations governing child support as well as calculation examples.

This course works through examples of how to determine the actual withholding from wages for child support.  This includes doing examples for employees with one, two, and three child support orders in effect, including arrearages. Child support orders are not necessarily processed in a vacuum, and the employee may have other garnishments in effect.


Who will Benefit:

-Payroll Executives/Managers/Administrators/Professionals/Practitioners/Entry Level Personnel
-Human Resources Executives/Managers/Administrators
-Accounting Personnel
-Business Owners/Executive Officers/Operations and Departmental Managers
-Attorneys/Legal Professionals
-Any individual or entity that must deal with the complexities and requirements of Payroll compliance issue


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