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OSHA/EPA Regulatory Compliance Audit: How to Prepare For and Survive One in 2023

OSHA/EPA Regulatory Compliance Audit in 2023

Regulatory Compliance Audits can be taxing and worrisome for anyone. Having an OSHA Audit can open an organization up to receiving regulatory citations, monetary fines, negative company press, etc. The purpose of this session is to cover the key concepts of how to successfully navigate through an OSHA Audit.

Being prepared ahead of time and knowing the right protocols can help turn a negative situation of being involved in a compliance audit into a positive one. We will cover the aspects that you must know to train your Managers and Supervisors on how to conduct themselves in an OSHA Audit. We will also discuss the key elements needed to develop a proactive Regulatory Compliance Written Program.

Join us this June to learn how to effectively handle an OSHA audit. After attending this session, you will have confidence in facing the next regulatory compliance audit that comes your way. Register now.


What You will Learn

-How to effectively and confidently navigate an OSHA compliance audit
-How to deal with compliance auditors with confidence to mitigate citations and fines
-How to develop a proactive Written Program to prepare your organization to handle an OSHA Compliance Audit
-How to conduct effective training for Managers and Supervisors on how to handle an OSHA Compliance Audit
-How to develop proactive tools to prevent employees from contacting a Regulatory Compliance Agency


What Else?

-Answers to site-specific questions and scenarios regarding Regulatory Compliance Audits


Who will Benefit

-Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Professionals

-Loss Prevention Managers

-Insurance Professionals

-Hourly Employees

-Production Supervisors

-Plant Managers

-Maintenance Managers

-Waste Water Safety Committee Members


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