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Human Resource & Payroll

New Year Payroll Legislation Updates: Payroll Tax Changes for 2022


Transitioning from the previous Payroll Tax year to the new Payroll Tax Year is difficult since the IRS provides updated tax rates and changes how taxable income is calculated each year. This webinar will give the latest tax news for 2022 to help your payroll department transition from the tax year 2021 to tax the year 2022. We will cover how all the latest tax news available including any new legislation affecting payroll in 2022 and assist the seasoned payroll professional on new legislation that needs to be considered. This webinar will also assist the beginner around W-2 processing and understanding all the boxes on the Form W-2 and what should be reported. A brief overview of year-end and review of the 2022 IRS forms including forms W-2, W-4, and 941best practices will also be discussed.

Review of W-2 and annual updates along with COVID legislative updates that affect employers.



Ares Covered in this Training

-W-2 Requirements
-W-2 box by Box review
-Updated legislation to consider for W-2
-Latest changes to electronic filing thresholds for the Form W-2 for 2022!
-State by State discussion of special W-2 considerations
-Year-End and W-2 best Practices
-Taxation in 2022
-Verifying employee names and SSN’s
-Review of filing deadlines
-Review of federal tax legislation
-New Year legislation




Why Attend This Training

By attending this webinar, you will get all the required insights for:
A. Details of how to close the 2021 year to make sure your W-2’s are correct and 941 reconciliation happens correctly.
B. Review box by box of the W-2 and details around the two new Box 12 codes and how to know when to use them.
C. Most up to date legislation releases
D. Calculating tax in 2022
E. State-specific W-2 reporting and what you need to know
F. COVID Credit legislative changes




Duration: 60 Minutes
Suggested Attendees

-Payroll Executives/ Managers/ Administrators/ Professionals/ Practitioners/ Entry Level Personnel
-Human Resources Executives/ Managers/Administrators
-Accounting Personnel
-Business Owners/ Executive Officers/ Operations and Departmental Managers
-Attorneys/ Legal Professionals
-Any individual or entity that must deal with the complexities and requirements of Payroll compliance issues for Year-End closing and preparing for the upcoming year.



You may ask your Question directly to our expert during the Q&A session.


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